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The Art of Content Collaboration with Andy Crestodina

Are you ready to transform your content strategy from solo creation to collaborative success?

On this episode of Ponderings from the Perch, the Little Bird Marketing podcast, host and CEO, Priscilla McKinney talks with guest Andy Crestodina, co-founder and CMO at Orbit Media, about the power of collaboration in content creation.

Crestodina, a veteran in web design and interactive marketing strategy for over two decades, has helped thousands achieve online success. He is renowned for his practical advice on digital content marketing and ethical practices, having contributed to numerous top marketing websites.

"Often the influencers who are ahead or where you want to be, or if you've looked up to for years, sometimes those are the people that are easiest to collaborate with because they budget time for PR," Crestodina explains. "The pros frequently respond immediately because their approach to time management allows them to take minutes at a stretch to read a piece and provide quick insight."

McKinney and Crestodina share practical strategies for effective collaboration, including the concept of "itchy backs" - identifying and fulfilling mutual needs within professional networks. They explore how simple gestures like book reviews, podcast appearances, and contributor quotes can create powerful reciprocal relationships.

Beyond tactical approaches, they delve into the mindset of being "helpable" in collaborative relationships and the importance of clear communication when seeking assistance. Through real-world examples and personal experiences, they demonstrate how authentic collaboration can lead to exponential growth and meaningful professional connections.


Hey y’all, Priscilla McKinney here, CEO and Momma Bird at Little Bird Marketing. I am very excited to announce the release of my much-anticipated book: 

Collaboration is the New Competition: Why the Future of Work Rewards A Cross Pollinating Hive Mind and How Not to Get Left Behind

The book's chapters are designed to be time-efficient, ensuring busy professionals can easily integrate these transformative ideas into their workflow. From discussing the state of affairs in business to providing fundamental strategies and seven practical anchors for staying on course, this book offers a fresh perspective and a competitive advantage in today's complex business landscape. 

Visit priscillamckinney.com for more information.


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If you can’t seem to get that idea inside of you into book form, maybe it’s time you consider hiring a professional scribe. Don’t let your story remain untold. Take the first step towards becoming a published author by booking a consultation. 

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