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Inspiration from Greenbook's IIEX Amsterdam

On this episode of Ponderings from the Perch, the Little Bird Marketing podcast, host and CEO, Priscilla McKinney, discusses her experiences at Greenbook’s IIEX Amsterdam with guest and CRO, Stephanie Douglass, exploring key market research trends and insights, highlighting presentations and conversations from the conference.

A major topic of discussion is synthetic data in market research, with data quality remaining a crucial concern for obtaining reliable consumer insights. In fact it emerged as one of the top 12 trends mentioned by Insight 250 CEO, and Behaviorally Group President, Crispin Beale. His extensive conversations with global leadership in the industry helped him create this helpful overview of top conversations we need to be having. The specific analogy he used about synthetic data likened it to plastic pollution in oceans and emphasizing the need for industry-wide standards. "We have to move very quickly right now as an industry to create standards that we will all adhere to,” Beale warns. “Or we're going to end up with a big blob of synthetic data in the data ocean.”

Ask him for the presentation and list, because it should spark many a great conversation. 

Priscilla had to run down Mark Earls from HERD at the event because of his presentation on the concept of time and how we have enslaved our lives to chronology. THIS WAS FASCINATING. Interested? Listen into Priscilla's thoughts on it and reach out to Mark to follow his very interesting LinkedIn feed. 

We always love seeing data quality expert and dtect VP, Roddy Knowles. As an advocate for preventing poor data from entering surveys initially, rather than focusing on cleaning data after collection he continutes to challenge the industry to think about the data quality problem differently. This approach aims to save time and resources while improving overall data quality, which is essential for generating valuable business insights. 

Have you met Izzy Pugh? Priscilla had never heard of G=mc2. Well, you should take a look! She brought the head of insights for...wait for it...ice cream from Unilever and an insights lead from Pandora to share what they discovered on the visual exploration for each brand. It was a fascinating presentation and the visuals were stunning! 

Another amazing firm that brought a client in tow included Amishi Takalkar from Nailbiter. She brought Yasmine Yehia and Amy Gosslein from Mondelez to talk about how they solved a serious packaging challenge for their Oreo brand. This was a standout presentation as the antithesis of synthetic data as they showed how videometrics could allow a brand to understand what actual shoppers were doing as they noticed, considered and bought products, most importantly delivering the WHY along with the data. Great presentation and even better technology to bring the brand closer to the consumer in the key shopping moment. 

She heard interesting information about where the industry is in hosting surveys in VR. 

Priscilla and Stephanie always love seeing Tasneem Dalal and giving her kudos for her great efforts at connecting in this industry. We all know and support each other through Women in Research and it was fun to try the products as they presented with someone from Jade and Joy

Scott Worthge from Quest Mindshare gave Priscilla a good update on what is going on with global sample procurement. More specifically, while they provide genpop respondents, they also specialize in B2B and healthcare recruiting for sample panels and that requires a higher level of commitment to constant recruiting and duty of care to people signed up to participate. 

We were lucky to catch a co-presentation of a project with Kristian Alomá, PhD of Threadline and Jill Bishop, PhD of Multilingual Connections at IIEX NA in Austin just a few months ago. They shared so many personal and professional experiences around the art of emotional storytelling in multilingual research. In Amsterdam, Kristian presented specifics from a global project aimed at understanding how people define luxury and wellness. 

The event was not complete without a fun moment to celebrate the recognition of Belinda Brown, CMO of Gazelle Global as one of the Greenbook Future's List Winner. It was amazing to hear her thoughts about what makes a powerful brand and her challenge to us all to be bold in marketing. 

Tune in to this insightful episode to stay ahead of the curve and gain a deeper understanding of the challenges and opportunities shaping the market research landscape. We hope you liked our "fly over" of this event. 


Join Fieldwork and the insights industry on Tuesday, July 9th, as we celebrate Global Focus Group Day! This day is all about recognizing the heroes of market research - those who dive into conversations to uncover the insights that shape business decisions. It’s a day to honor the power of face-to-face interactions and the "AHA" moments they bring.

Want to join the celebration? It's simple! On July 9th, use the hashtags #GlobalFocusGroupDay and #FaceToFaceMRX on social media. Share your stories, inspirations, challenges, and triumphs in qualitative research. And don’t forget to sign up at http://fieldwork.com/global-focus-group-day

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