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Navigating the Evolution of Ideal Client Personas


Ready to get behind the curtain of marketing? On this episode of Ponderings from the Perch Priscilla McKinney discusses how to refresh your client persona.

“Like real humans, buyer personas are not stagnant.” It is important to update your persona on a regular basis. This does not necessarily mean starting from scratch, but instead updating the base motivations, the persistent problems, and pressing issues your customer is facing. “This is about developing incredible empathy toward your best client.”

Eighty-two percent of companies that have a buyer persona come to market with a clear value proposition. If you want success, you’re going to have to do the work of ideal buyer personas.

Are you ready to put in the work to make your business the best it can be? If your answer is yes, this episode will help you get going on the right track.


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