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Priscilla and Emma Are On Their Best Behavior

Join in as Little Bird Marketing President Priscilla McKinney and Content Marketing Specialist Emma Hanson talk with speakers and attendees of Greenbook’s IIeX Behavior in Boston. This groundbreaking event is a global learning experience focused on behavioral insights and technology. This episode of Ponderings from the Perch features a selection of micro-interviews from these special guests:

Ryan Baum, CEO at Wolvereye

Luke Cahill, Managing Principal at Real Insight

Julia Durgee, Artist and Consultant

Jeff Datillo, founder DIG (Datillo Insights Group)

Phiphi Gavalas, Senior Manager of Digital Engagement at Best Friends Animal Society

Derek Sawchuk, VP Sales at Maru/Matchbox

Dana Stanley, COO at GreenBook

Brandon Thompson, Senior Enterprise Sales Executive at Canvs


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