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Priscilla Offers LinkedIn Tips & Tricks

Transform your LinkedIn strategy from a static profile into a powerful B2B sales tool with proven social selling techniques.

On this episode of Ponderings from the Perch, the Little Bird Marketing podcast, host and CEO Priscilla McKinney shares vital insights about maximizing your LinkedIn presence and social selling strategies. Through systematic digital transformation, she reveals practical approaches for building a professional brand that resonates with your target audience.

The discussion explores three essential mindset transformations: moving from "Always Be Closing" to "Always Be Helping" (ABH), embracing "show versus tell" in content creation, and understanding the importance of authentic communication.

McKinney emphasizes how these foundational changes can transform your social media strategy and lead to more meaningful professional connections. She demonstrates how authentic engagement and strategic content creation drive successful relationships on the platform.

"Social media has fundamentally changed the way we live and do business," McKinney explains. "Buyers are 57% of the way through the buying process before they ever contact a salesperson, which means your ideal client is out there on a totally self-directed journey."

The episode provides practical guidance for developing an effective LinkedIn strategy, from daily posting schedules to engaging with high-performing content. She outlines specific techniques for building meaningful relationships through LinkedIn, including the strategic use of hashtags and creating engagement groups

Links referenced: Understanding Your Most Ideal Persona, Get a meeting with Priscilla about Digital Transformation Training  and Peter Springett's most excellent blog to inspire your content

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