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Tapping into Narrative Research and Behavioral Science with Leigh Caldwell

On this episode of Ponderings from the Perch Priscilla McKinney visits with Leigh Caldwell (AKA Best Hair In Market Research), a mathematician/economist who studies cognitive-behavioral theories and applies them to economic pricing and marketing techniques. If that didn’t intimidate you enough, Leigh is also a co-founder of Irrational Agency - a company that specializes in behavioral science. 

Priscilla and Leigh sit down to discuss narrative research. Narrative research is a form of storytelling, as Leigh puts it. “There’s another source of stories that is really important and that is the stories told by the people we communicate with, by our consumers, our citizens, the people we want to hear from in our market. Story hearing is what sits behind narrative research” 

The work Leigh does in market research works to help the consumer “live their best life”. The neuroscience and psychology behind this research aim to help people understand themselves better, while also assisting a market to understand its consumers. 

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